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Saturday, December 22, 2012
Happy Synthesizer - me as Luka and Neru as GUMI
Right after Comic Fiesta 2012 Day One. What am I doing? FLYING TO CHINA IS WHAT. Imma going to freeze my ears off. ( o w o )/ I'll update again when I'm back. いってきます! Sunday, August 26, 2012
I came back from Singapore... what, two days ago? lol.A post without pictures is quite boring, but I don't wanna flood the blog with pictures, either... こまるな。。。 Ah, but if I post some up, it's fine, right? Hehehehe~~ Here goes! Day 1 : Wed, August 21 Went to the airport bright and early. >w< I was rather doped up on medicine, though, so I was sleepy the entire way through. D: I slept on the plane, was sleepy on the taxi ride to the hotel, and after lunch, I took my meds again, so I slept the afternoon away, lolol. I woke up around... 5.30pm or so to go to the night safari. We didn't walk, since it was dark and I was sick and all, but we took the tram ride. Best thing I remembered: a sleeping tapir! It was sleeping right beside the path the tram took. So cute! >w< No photos of it though - was dark, and no flash photography allowed. Day 2 : Thurs, August 22 I was more alert, what with less meds in my system. Thank God for that too! First stop of the day: Singapore Flyer!
My dad took this one. Or was it me...? Can't remember, but lookit!
The koi pond from the second floor. It looked prettier from there than up-close, lawl
Spam-snapped photos while in the pod. It was fun. >w< We got up pretty high, too.
Them greens. Them greeeeeens!
This one is prolly my fav of the lot. >w<
Marina Sands (I think) got into the shot too. XD
After that, it was cruise time! Onto the bus and to the...port? Pier? Meh, brain no wanna remember word right now.
I had fun exploring the boat, but then... oh, oh. Is that...?
Yes. Yes it is.
The rain took the fun outta the cruise for me. I want to enjoy the wind, damnit! Can't be helped, though, so we entertained ourselves before visiting Kusu Island... but we (read: I) escaped back onto the boat quickly. It was still drizzling, and I was recovering, dangit!
Random wishing well thing on Kusu Island. Can't see it from the photo, but there be bells inside the lotus flower. I managed to hit it! >w<
Then we went back to the hotel to rest for a bit, and then, in a bit of a last minute decision... SENTOSA! Took a cable car ride there, then we sat on some... Tiger beer-sponsored thingy-majingy that allowed us to see the entire island.
Ze cable car was Angry Birds themed. Seriously. I lol'd inside. XD
Them shots above were on the Tiger-sponsored thingy-majingy. Lawl
Images of Singapore, aka history museum. LOL I took my backpack there, and for the first time ever, someone actually yelled out "Cosplayer Alert!" after reading one of them badges I have pinned on it. XD Was so funny. I didn't take a picture with her, though. Slipped my mind. Damn it.
The Tiger-sponsored thingy-majingy. LOL
The peacock went onto the roof. OF COURSE I had to take a picture. X'D
Then it was off to the Underwater World. Went shutter-happy there too, but for the sake of not spamming my blog, here's a few pictures (read: two).
Here's a tako, if you can spot it. Heheh~
We were too late for the last dolphin show of the day, but we saw them pink dolphins swimming around in the pool. >w< was too busy cooing over its cuteness to take photos, lol!
Then it was off to the final stop in Sentosa... to watch Songs of the Sea. The storyline behind it made me think it was straight out of a children's story book, but it was an awesome light-and-water show. :'D
Them crowd. First I was like o.o, then I was liek O_O, and when the show started I was like |'D
The pre-opening light show. Pfft.
Not sure if it's clear, but the image was made from light and a spray of water. Is a fishie called Oscar xD
The Lady of the Ocean. I think.
When we got back to the hotel, eh, we decided to walk. Took a 15-20 minute walk to Gardens by the Bay, but by the time we got there, it was dark and we couldn't see anything, LOL. Ended up snapping a few pictures and went back to the hotel.
Day 3 (final) : Fri, August 23
Last day in Singapore. We only had time to join one tour, so we took the one that went around Singapore. Stopped at several places - Little India (in which them shops weren't even open yet lol), some pitstop near Esplanade, Chinatown (in which my family ran to the nearest food court (Maxwell food court) to eat - the chicken rice was awesome), a random stop at a jewelry refinery before we headed to the Orchid Park.
Have some random photos xP
Le random water fountain.
I honestly have more, but the net is telling me "LOL NOPE"
After that, headed back to the hotel, lazed around the nearest mall, and then it was off to the airport and back in KL.
Whelp, that's less pictures than I actually uploaded onto Blogger. Hmm... Evil internet is evil.
...here, have a random picture of my dog after I got him back from the boarding place. XD
Hehehe. Little ribbon thingy. Hehehehehehehe.
Labels: family, holiday, Singapore Wednesday, June 13, 2012
私、何だか。。。本当に もう 知らないな。 何の為に ずっと こんな感じで 苦しくするの? 「家族だから、仕方がない」って。 「あの子は 生まれた時 もう そんのままだから」って。 バカにしないでよ。 あの人は 自分の お姉さんだから、私はお父さんとお母さんに これは教えなかったけど。。。 今、大嫌いだよ。 時々で 毎日。 時々で 毎週。 お父さんは インドネシアで 仕事。 お母さんは 私たち 兄妹の為に、疲れたけど 仕事がつずける。 でもね。。。 あの子はね、 仕事が あるのくせに やらないよ。 こんな時代で 仕事探すのは 大変づらいのことが 知らない じゃないい だし。 本当はね。。。 あの子の事 「嫌い」 ってほしくない。 自分の お姉さんだもん。 しかし。。。 毎日、毎週、毎月。。。 お母さんの 苦しい、悲しいな顔 見てると。。。 姐の事。。。どんどん嫌いになちゃう。 そして。。。 一番苦しいの事は。。。 私、何も出来ない。 姐に 怒るの時。。。 「絶対に 潰す」 の思いが来る。 絶対に 「お母さんを守る為に、普通やらない事が やる」って。 そんな考え方は。。。 お父さんとお母さんは好きではないから。。。 私 もっと 何も出来ない。 それだからこそ、私 もっと 悔しさと悲しさが 感じます。 そう。。。 自分 何ができるのか。。。 分からない。 分からない から。。。 誰か。。。 教えてください。 助けて! Labels: dilemma, feelings, rant, thoughts Monday, March 19, 2012
TENIMYU GIF SPAM YEEEEY! :3 All GIFs courtesy of Iidata from Tumblr. ![]() MOAR HIPS. >w< Aiba, kyaaaaaa! ![]() "Kunimitsu desu," says Minami Keisuke AAAAND... because uni net makes Firefox lag... that's it for now. :3 Thursday, March 15, 2012
![]() "KAKENUKERO!" "SHOURI E NO MICHI!" I...I intended for this to be an Aiba-loving spree, but eh. I found lotsa cute Tenimyu GIFs (well... not really). BUT THEY'RE CUTE. OBSERVE. ![]() AIBAAAAAAAAA *squee* ![]() 2nd/3rd cast Fuji "meets" 4th cast Fuji. They're both so happy it's cute. *DIES* I'm happy now. 8DDDDD Friday, February 24, 2012
After... oh, over a month? I'M ALIIIIVEEEE :'D *SHOT*So... with much thanks to Belle, I'm entirely addicted to Prince of Tennis and Tenimyu right now. ALL HER FAULT. )'< *cough* Anyway~~ I watched Dream Live 7th yesterday, and it. was. awesome. *w* Because Imma lazy... here, have a Bacchon! ![]() Friday, January 6, 2012
That's it.I've had it. You ransack through my room - fine. You attack me - fine. You throw my stuff and destroy them - fine. But when you imply that our PARENTS never loved you; when you want to destroy my stuff that were gifts from my parents for my birthday (I can't use it to call people now, btw); when you frigging tell me your own family don't love you, after all the things they done for you, that. is. it. powered by blogger, yo. |
Just a little something that I did on a whim. Might not even update that often. Randomness ahead, so beware. Bohahahahah *shot* [archives] [links] anna_sagara's blog ame ame's blog andrew/skywolf's blog deanna/nana's blog fiametta-ink's blog ice-creamy's blog kamal/reno's blog liany's blog lizzie's blog lynn's blog ming han's blog noxy's blog ruz's blog suzanne/sugargal's blog my dad's blog |